Thursday, May 2nd, 6-8pm.

A spark of creativity is waiting to ignite in each of us. Imagine the magic that can happen when we tend to this spark in a nurturing and supportive environment!

This is a dedicated space to connect with vitality and creative flow, to step away from daily tasks and hectic schedules. The combined power of creativity, connection, and kind collaboration can be truly transformative. Together, we can give shape to our feelings and experiences and bring our unique visions to life - be it a book, a sketch, a poem, a website, a portfolio, or a new idea.

We begin each workshop with brief introductions, movement and meditation. Then we set an intention for our time together, and work on our projects. At the end, we share our process and reflections with each other, in non-critical and appreciative ways.

If you're working on a creative project or simply seeking inspiration, come join us at Inspiration Lab. 

Marion, the facilitator, is the founder of the Heart of Us, and is an experienced teacher, artist and writer. She is looking forward to seeing you!

You are welcome to bring your non-toxic, dry art supplies, along with journals, sketchbooks, laptops or tablets. I’m looking forward to seeing you! - Marion.

@ Groundfloor, 907 4th Street, San Rafael. CA.

Inspiration Lab | Thursday | May 2
Join Creative Lab

Our agreement: at The Heart of Us we co-create a safe space for genuine connection. We do so with a shared intention for mindfulness, kindness, and respect toward each other. We practice witnessing and reflecting, and accepting one another as we are, without judging or fixing. You can read more about the principles in the “About/ How it Works” section. This is Not a process/ therapy group space. We ask that each participant tends to their own personal process that might get evoked, on their own time. We ask that all participants agree to the principles by signing up.