Our workshops are designed to foster connection and community with mindfulness and creative activities, such as storytelling, art and prompted exercises with the intention to share with each other and witness from the heart, to meet our basic human needs for expression, appreciation, being seen and heard, and to co-create in sympathetic joy. Our four principles are:

Creative Expression

Creativity allows us to express ourselves and share with each other, with words, art or movement. This way we can be seen, heard and understood in direct and subtle ways. No prior skills or special talents required.


With mindfulness we cultivate a sense of presence and deeper awareness of ourselves and others, and connect in ways that honor one another.

Loving Presence

Inspired by the Buddhist principle of loving kindness, we adapt an attitude of benevolence, wishing for well-being, kindness and friendliness towards each other.


Without judgement we are invited to share and accept ourselves and others just as we are, knowing there is nothing to fix or change, only to witness.